
Latest in Politics

Being Apolitical Is Not a Virtue

Everyone has probably heard someone say something along the lines of “I don’t care about politics,” “I’m not a political person,” or “I don’t know anything about politics, so I just stay out of it.” The totality of these sentiments reveals two things about America’s views of politics: one, they don’t know what “political” means…

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Why You Should Vote

Why exactly should you vote in the midterm elections? It’s not because of the policy issues either Democrats or Republicans are pushing. It’s because of something much bigger than that.

The Republic Must Come First: America’s Biggest Political Issue

With the American republic currently in great peril, the midterm elections have become mostly about the economy- with abortion rights, climate change, and guns trailing behind. I am here to tell you that none of these issues should be your top priority, and that it is a very bad sign that they have come to…

Let’s Get Ethical Pt 3: War and Peace

‘Bella, horrida bella’ How can war ever be justified? Does a moral threshold that makes war acceptable exist? For the finale of my ethics series, I wanted to go out with a bang… see what I did there… Anyway, the ethics of war explores the moral limitations and ethical boundaries of conflict. It’s almost a…

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